Term 1



My name is Ward. I am a student of Grade 9 in EISM. This blog will be my process journal to record all the tasks that will be completed during this year. I am excited about this ICT class and willing to learn many new things this year. I have learned many things last year and the year before. I am aiming for a higher grade than last year. 

Criteria A: this is where we have to think harder than any other criteria because you need to have a lot of knowledge.
Criteria B: This is where we start planning the project and coming up with different ideas.
Criteria C: this has to come after criteria b because there could be a problem with the planning and you have to find a solution.
Criteria D: evaluate the success of the solution and finalize the work so you can then have the final product.   

The MYP Design Cycle consists of 4 stages:
Criteria A - Inquiry and Analysing
Criteria B - Developing Ideas
Criteria C - Creating the Solution
Criteria D - Evaluating the Solution


18th September 2017

The design cycle model represents the MYP (Middle Year Program) design methodology of how designers develop products. The process is divided into four stages: inquiring and analyzing; developing ideas; creating the solution; evaluating. This incremental process allows the designer to go from identifying a design opportunity to the testing and evaluation of a solution. This process leads to the creation of solutions that solve a problem.

5th October 2017

This is my scratch


What is the nature of the problem? 
The problem was the students at a young age do not have fun with their education in school or even doing their homework

This is aimed to the younger audience like the children  in school especially the ones in primary. 

This problem is usually occurring in schools to younger children in schools


Design Specification:

When you buy this product it will be depending on your age, so it you are 11 years old you will get the size 11-12 years and so on
Each one will be made in 3-4 weeks to put together.
It will be made out of wood so you can still write on it but it will be smooth so that you wont get blisters and it could be coloured in any colour that we have like blue, white, black, green, yellow, purple and pink. 
This will be in a curved shape from your thigh down your knees because thats where people do their homework's.
This is for all age groups but older people might not need it anymore since they have probably retired. 
This will have no splinters or anything so that you will not get injured. 

Strand 2 

In ICT class we had to think of a problem and I thought of the students who go home and have homework but they do not do their homework on the desks but on their knees and then the next day when they due in the homework the handwriting is unreadable and that could have an affect on their marks because the teacher cant mark it. Many schools around the world have homework mostly everyday and just like me sometimes I like to do my work sat down on the floor and the homework sheet on my knees and my handwriting at the end is not readable so what I thought of is something that you could out on your thighs and reaches down to your knees, this will be a hard surface but it will not be heavy on you or put pressure on your legs, this is to support your paper when you are doing your work. This is to all the students in primary school all the way to high school this will also be in any sizes depending on your age or size.

I did not do all my work and the ones that I did I did not do them on time because I either did not have time to do it or I did not understand it completely. I am planning on doing a survey to see what my classmates think of my design and ask for improvements and opinions to improve on my work. For improvements I will do my  work and I will do it on time. 
