Tech Fair

Criteria A: Inquiring and Analysing

Strand 1:

Explain and justify the solution: The solution would be that the people at any age but that own a device could see this website and learn about technology and how it could affect them in a good or in a bad way an try to avoid those consequences to that they will not get hurt, this is mainly targeted on children because they still have time to learn.
What is the problem? The problem is that people don’t know how bad technology is to them and how it can hurt them this could be because they are too addicted to their devices or that they are getting cyberbullied. Being addicted to the device could have serious problems with their education and sometimes they cannot focus.
Where is the problem occurring? Technology is now a big thing and you could walk in the street and see people using their mobile phones and not paying attention to their surroundings, but now they are using technology in schools and play with them at their homes so this is happening everywhere to however owns a device and uses it everywhere.
What is the cause of the problem? The cause of this problem would be the technology now has appstore or playstore and you can download anything you want and that makes them want to play a game or even go on social media and talk with friends and family and in the end they would take hours before letting go of their technology.
What effect is it having? Now more than before humans are no longer communicating with each other than face to face than before, but use social media to talk and communicate. Many people are getting into car accidents because they are using their phones while driving or using them in the streets and get into an accident without knowing what happened.  

PowerPoint Presentation 

Strand 2: 

Weebly is an old favorite among those who use template-based website builders. It’s easy to use, clean-looking, and offers plenty of customization options. Drag and drop features for adding images, text, and other elements are stored within the left-hand sidebar, though you can only insert elements into designated areas of your page.
That said, limiting the customization options also allows novice users to grasp the platform quicker than others on our list, regardless of the theme they opt for. Moreover, Weebly provides the ability to add maps and download your entire website as a ZIP file in case you want to move your information to a standard Web hosting service.
Although Weebly doesn’t boast the best image-editing tools on the market, it does let you to seamlessly add audio and video to your site, along with a wealth of commerce tools for putting up a storefront. You can customize your mobile site too, and the Weebly iPad app even lets you build your site on the go. Although there are many considerations in web design, as a beginner, your first step is to actually get something out onto the web. The fine-tuning can come after you've figured out how to publish a basic web page. One way is to use a WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") web editor to do it. Such editors allow you to design your site visually, without having to deal with the technical details. They work just like a normal wordprocessor.
There are a number of free and commercial web editors available. If you use Windows, one of the best around is Microsoft Expression Web. This was a formerly commercial program that Microsoft now distributes for free, presumably because they no longer want to be in the web editor business. It is fully-featured and very polished (as befits software that was once sold in shops) with facilities that both new and experienced webmasters find useful. You can find a guide on how to use this program from my Expression Web Tutorial. The latter takes you through the process of designing a fully functional multi-page website that is mobile-friendly (that is, your site will work well on both desktop/laptop computers and the smaller screens of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets). Instructions on how to get the editor can also be found in that tutorial.

Strand 3: 

Analyse existing products: 

More people consider the BBC an accurate and trustworthy source of TV news than any other channel in the UK, but the corporation it not rated as highly for impartiality as its Channel 4 counterpart, according to research by Ofcom.
Slightly more than six in 10 (62%) people who watched BBC News rated it highly for being “accurate and reliable” and 58% gave it a good rating for being “trustworthy” in polling conducted for Ofcom’s annual news consumption report. However, just under half (48%) rated the BBC highly for being “impartial and unbiased”.
The BBC is often accused of political bias and culture secretary John Whittingdale has said he wants accusations against the BBC to be independently assessed, possibly by regulator Ofcom.
Channel 4 News was the only TV news source rated to score highly on impartiality by more than half (51%) of those polled, and came out only second to the BBC in accuracy and trustworthiness. 
However, the polling may come as a surprise to commentators who have criticised Channel 4 News presenters and reporters for airing personal and often emotional responses to stories on platforms such as YouTube. Channel 4 News is governed by the same Ofcom rules on fairness, accuracy and impartiality as other broadcasters, but the regulator does not cover online activity.


  1. Ward Shawqi Mohammed Abdo needs to complete her tasks in detail.
    To improve, she has to research in detail, analyse a range of existing products in detail and develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research. Follow the examples on the teacher's blog.


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