
Tech Fair

Criteria A: Inquiring and Analysing Strand 1: Explain and justify the solution: The solution would be that the people at any age but that own a device could see this website and learn about technology and how it could affect them in a good or in a bad way an try to avoid those consequences to that they will not get hurt, this is mainly targeted on children because they still have time to learn. What is the problem? The problem is that people don’t know how bad technology is to them and how it can hurt them this could be because they are too addicted to their devices or that they are getting cyberbullied. Being addicted to the device could have serious problems with their education and sometimes they cannot focus. Where is the problem occurring? Technology is now a big thing and you could walk in the street and see people using their mobile phones and not paying attention to their surroundings, but now they are using technology in schools and play with them at their homes

Term 1

9/11/2017 Introduction:  My name is Ward. I am a student of Grade 9 in EISM. This blog will be my process journal to record all the tasks that will be completed during this year. I am excited about this ICT class and willing to learn many new things this year. I have learned many things last year and the year before. I am aiming for a higher grade than last year.  Criteria A : this is where we have to think harder than any other criteria because you need to have a lot of knowledge. Criteria B : This is where we start planning the project and coming up with different ideas. Criteria C : this has to come after criteria b because there could be a problem with the planning and you have to find a solution. Criteria D : evaluate the success of the solution and finalize the work so you can then have the final product.    The MYP Design Cycle consists of 4 stages: Criteria A - Inquiry and Analysing Criteria B - Developing Ideas Criteria C - Creating the